I need to run a series of Halth & Safety training sessions for a client. I have good resources from the technical side – but does anyone have any tips, experience or links to help with making it interesting and enjoyable, and thus a more effective learning experience?
Steve Short
Steve Short
Steve Short
Steve Short
3 Responses
Health and Safety
We train on the legal ramifications of non compliance and as the legislation tends to be hard going for a full day, we intersperse it with case studies. We take cases which have already been dealt with through the courts, amend the names and some of the facts and get the groups to decide on a corrective course of action to meet standards they will have learnt earlier in the day.
As most of our clients are health and Safety advisors or professionals in some capacity already, they are also asked to present a group report just like they would have to do in their job.
This can be role played, videoed and acted out. We have enjoyed this aspect of the training and feedback shows it to be the most useful tool for sticking in the memory. It is fun, but informative too and we are always asked to include more of it in training. I hope this helps.
Training By Design Global Ltd
Health & Safety training
Yes H&S can be boring to the factor 10 on the Richter scale.
I know you have alot of materials but have you thought of distance learning material?
I produce a full distance learning pack tied to a national qualification. A good range of companies use it to enhance their H&S training and it shows they take their training responsibilities seriously. I can give you some of the names of the companies using it if you contact me. A sample of the materials is on my website. It is not aimed at H&S professionals but at employees who tend to reject formal training. I have over 20,000 students with the qualification now.
Best of luck
John Gorton Direct Learning, Sunrise 3 Outgaits lane Hunmanby, Filey YO14 0PX 01723 890913 rudlin@globalnet.co.uk http://www.directlearning.net
use with accelerated learning techniques.
our experience over the last couple of years is that the use of accelerated learning techniques compliments h&s training extremely well, keep in mind the 7 intelligences ie interpersonal, math/logic, visual spatial, musical, physical, linguistic and intra personal.
techniques i have found especially useful is to embed the learning by using quizes in which the participants have to identify questions for other teams etc.
i hope this is of use to you and good luck.