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Anyone know some VERY basic teamwork/NVC exercises?


I need to deliver teamwork, communication & problem solving to candidates who are ESOL (i.e. people with only a very small appreciation of English). Anyone know simple exercises, as well as any form of NON-VERBAL feedback?

Pretty please!
Kevin Moore

4 Responses

  1. Simple problem solving
    My manager’s desktop guide, Common Sense Managing, Simple Actions That Produce Results, MAY have some of what you are seeking. I say “may” because, the guide simple and easy to read and is filled with exercises.

    Check it out at or The Problem Solving section may be downloaded for free on our web site and the guide comes with a one year 100% money back guarantee — so you have no risk.

    Whether you purchase a copy or not, feel free to call my at [541] 386-1117 [USA – Pacific Standard Time] and I will be glad to discuss your situation with you. I have over thirty years of training and development experience.

    Lots of luck with your challenge. Bill Werst

  2. response
    Hi, I have used a number of practical exercises for teamwork with international groups. One in particular springs to mind which does not involve any spoken words in execution. Also, during the planning fase the group will need to communicate both verbally and non-verbally. The brief could very easily be translated into other languages and then let the group work out their own process and review against how they managed the verbal language challenges. Also, how about briefing one or more people to act as observers and note specifics of NVC (using a well known simple behavioural index/list? If you would like a copy of the practical task which lasts between 30 mins to an hour let me know. You would need some blindfolds (or similar) and an open area (preferably outside such as a car park or hotel grounds). Hope this helps – cheers – Tim

  3. you can email me for one or
    you can email me for one or two examples, at gary (a t)


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