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Jo Ayoubi

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Senior Consultant & CEO

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Are we wasting our time with 360 Degree Feedback and Appraisal?


I just had to respond to this brilliantly provocative blog from Deus Ex Macchiato, who says that we shouldn't bother with 360, appraisal or any other form of performance management - just pay people and they'll get the job done! Here's my response...any thoughts from anyone out there...? Loved your blog about HRbots and was intrigued that you assumed Catbert (my favourite Dilbert character) was female...I always thought Catbert was a boy...! But moving on to your specific points: 1. Appraisals and 360 Degree Feedback: these are systems that provide some consistency over how people's performance and activities are measured and rated . The results of their work need to be checked from time to time, as does their capability of working with others, customers, etc. And without some kind of consistency (and feedback from multiple sources), how can you, indeed, overcome individual managers' prejudices...? A good appraisal or 360 Degree Feedback should be very clearly linked to the individual's job performance... 2. I disagree entirely with your second point: people tend to behave and respond in fairly consistent ways over time. I have never seen someone who sits around suddenly become a start performer - it just doesn't happen. They sit around because of a combination of personality, motivation and skills. You can't change the first two, only the last one, and only if you know what skills are required...thus measurement is important. 3. I tend to agree with your point about 'star' performers. Have to say though, aside from the stars, a company still needs everyone else performing at their best. Not sure average is something we should be aiming for...! And finally, if not meritocracy, then what? Thanks for giving me something to get my thinking going on a Friday afternoon! Jo

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Jo Ayoubi

Senior Consultant & CEO

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