Employees who want to discover how favourable the ‘Learning Climate’ is in their workplace can find out by visiting the Campaign for Learning and completing a free on-line Learning Climate quiz. The first one hundred quiz–takers will receive a CD-ROM version of ‘Effective Leadership Training.’ The Campaign for Learning has developed the quiz to highlight the important role culture and environment play in encouraging learning and will be releasing the results on Learning at Work Day, Thursday 25th May.
‘An adverse learning climate inhibits the transfer of learning from a formal training environment to the workplace. However, a positive learning climate will not only makes the most of formal learning but also encourages informal learning on a day to day basis.’ says Campaign for Learning Marketing Director, Michelle Wake.
Free on-line leadership training will be available on Learning at Work Day on the Campaign’s web-site.
'An adverse learning climate inhibits the transfer of learning from a formal training environment to the workplace. However, a positive learning climate will not only makes the most of formal learning but also encourages informal learning on a day to day basis.' says Campaign for Learning Marketing Director, Michelle Wake.
Free on-line leadership training will be available on Learning at Work Day on the Campaign’s web-site.