Ask Jeeves is a very handy web-tool that makes searching seem like kids play. Ask a question and Jeeves will quickly tell you that he knows the answer. A number of buttons appear with the best matches displayed first, followed by short lists of matches from each of the major search engines including Yahoo, Webcrawler, Infoseek, Excite and Alta Vista. These often yield better results. Ask Jeeves saves the effort of using separate search engines and gives high quality results without working too hard on the string. So for example I asked 'What is gestalt psychology?' Jeeves answered: 'I know the answer to these questions. Click the button next to the best one.' The first set of questions yielded a series of links to general psychology locations with some useful material, but the matches from each search engine gave specific useful information on gestalt psychology from a variety of interesting sources. Jeeves found
9 matches by Yahoo!
9 matches by WebCrawler
7 matches by Infoseek
8 matches by Excite
8 matches by AltaVista.
Perhaps its called 'Ask Jeeves' because it feels rather civilised compared to the usual scrabble for useful hits. Mine's a Dry Martini.