I am currently reviewing the assessment and development centres run by our organisaiton. I’d like to bring in some new ideas around the assessment activities. At present the exercises we run focus on traditional 1:1’s, group exercises and written work.
Does anyone have any new ideas that we could incorporate or point me in the direction of some resources?
Rob Booth
Does anyone have any new ideas that we could incorporate or point me in the direction of some resources?
Rob Booth
3 Responses
Assessment Centre
Hi Rob,
if you drop me a line i can give you some insight of Assessment centres we’ve done for the likes of Norfolk County Council and the Norfolk Fire Service that involved some experiential challenges as well as some traditional competency measurement processes.
We’ve work inconjuntion with Bramley Lakes an outdoor team development centre, and i can talk you through how this works and what innovative approaches we’ve taken – some of which might be of interest to you. Regards Lee
New Ideas for Assessment Centre
Hi Rob
We design and run assessment centres for a wide range of skill groups concentrating on making the exercises relevant to the business.
We have just returned from running Mock Assessment Centre workshops for graduates at the National Graduate Recruitment Fair at the NEC in Birmingham and have lots of new ideas for design.
Our company is Resourcing Matters and website is http://www.resourcingmatters.com. Please contact me if you would like more information.
Janet Cowell
Development centres
I have developed and delivered many innovative development events including development and assessment centres.
Before identifying new and novel ideas for activities the focus and outcomes required must be clear.
The best centre I ran was focused on ensuring regional managers could live the new brand values for the company.
In addition the centre started six weeks before the residential element, all attendees receiving all information and activities in detail.
This centre also ran for three months after the residential event which was full of exciting and relevant tasks such as making and launching a hot air balloon.
I have many free resources which can be downloaded from my Trainerbase site at:
Many of these can be used or adapted for great development centre activities.
All the best.