I am committed to working with corporate CEOs who wish to play a bigger, braver role in the world transforming the triple bottom line to deliver great financial results, strong personal relationships and a positive contribution to the wider community. I am using my experience, skills and vision to act as a global facilitator of this shift, collaborating with leading organisations such as Vistage International, Aston Business School, the International Coach Federation and my publisher, Nicholas Brealey Publishing. If you share this vision, please get in touch.
My credentials for playing this role are that I am one of the UK’s leading executive coaches and board advisors having worked with CEOs around the globe as well as with Olympic athletes and their coaches. I have been a Fast Track 100 entrepreneur, FTSE100 International Managing Director and Chair/Director of a number of voluntary organisations, working collaboratively in diverse teams to deliver outstanding results.
I am a regular keynote speaker at business conferences and my second book 'Challenging Coaching', co-authored with Ian Day, has been featured in the Sunday Times, the Guardian and the Financial Times (www.challengingcoaching.co.uk). In my work, I draw upon a broad range of influences including my expertise in t'ai chi, my Christian faith, and my passion for systems thinking. I have a BSc, an MSc in IT and an MBA. In 2012, I commenced a part time doctorate in business (DBA) with Aston Business School where I am researching how CEOs build organisational trust.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage
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