Elva Ainsworth was born into a family of people-watchers and has cultivated a real love of people pattern spotting. This combination led her to a career in HR after a psychology degree at Bristol University. In HR she enjoyed implementing the brand new psychometrics, as well as designing culture change and personal development tools.
In 1994 she focused on her love of psychometrics by joining SHL (now CEB), the leading business psychologists, where she managed the 360° feedback and management development practice in both the UK and in the USA. Her vision of creating a highly transformational 360 tool lead to her starting Talent Innovations in 2000. TI is now a leading provider of 360, delivering to prestigious clients in 26 languages.
Elva has published two books, “360 Degree Feedback: A Transformational Approach” and “Reboot Your Reputation: 11 Ways to Change Their Minds”, available on Amazon.
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