Jonathan Gifford is a business author and speaker whose other books include History Lessons; Blindsided; 100 Great Leadership Ideas and 100 Great Business Leaders. Jonathan has a degree in philosophy from the University of Kent; his early career was spent in print media, working for The Guardian, The Sunday Express and The Mail on Sunday, and later for BBC Magazines, where he was the launch publisher of BBC History Magazine.
Jonathan is the cofounder, with Dr Mark Powell, of The Human Energy Organisation, a consultancy in the field of employee engagement and leadership development. Jonathan and Mark are the co-authors of My Steam Engine Is Broken: Taking the organisation from the industrial age to the age of ideas; Perform to Win: Unlocking the secrets of the arts for personal and business success; and Machiavellian Intelligence: How to survive and rise in the modern corporation.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage
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