I provide workshops and coaching for people development, and I am passionate about leadership and communication. I facilitate the development and growth of individuals and teams, partnering with an organisation to support behavioural and culture change.
I am an experienced and qualified executive coach and mentor. I qualified at ILM Level 7 in 2008 as Leadership Mentor and Executive Coach, since which time I’ve added numerous other accreditations. As way of integrating my varied interests, I’ve recently become a qualified Mountain Leader.
I spent over fifteen years in business development and client management for technology and information companies, including IBM and Bloomberg, in London and Europe. Since 2004 I’ve worked as a management trainer, consultant and coach. Initially I worked for performance consultancy RogenSi Ltd until I set up Fraser Communication & Coaching Ltd in 2008.
Please see my website www.hilaryfraser.com
You might also be interested to read my article on persuasive presenting published on TrainingZone in April – click through to it here: https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/develop/talent/the-compelling-presentation
I’m currently very interested in how to help people become better listeners, as well as talkers. So if you would like to know what I think, please read my article: https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/topic/soft-skills/how-be-expert-listener/163478
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