I’m a founding Director of Impact Factory, a professional personal development company – which is another way of saying we deal with anything that has to do with people communicating with other people. I’m also a psychotherapist, writer and blogger. With my co-Director, Robin Chandler, I’ve written The Nice Factor, The Art of Saying No. I’ve also written Family Heaven, Family Hell – How To Survive the Family Get Together.
I am committed to making training enlivening, exciting, fun and relevant and I love developing my Impact Factory colleagues so they in turn can deliver engaging, exhilarating and pertinent courses. Accessible and jargon-free our work is completely tailored to each delegate – the opposite of cookie-cutter, tick the box, one size fits all training. That’s why I love helping facilitate people achieving their aspirations and dreams while keeping a firm eye on reality. I also like upsetting the status quo and the predictable which helps give people permission to be more themselves and less who they think they ought to be.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage