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Kissing With Confidence
Training Director

Michael has a long-standing love of learning and development and a passion for law. With 17 years as a litigator (seven as a partner in private practice) and a decade at Kissing With Confidence he is at the leading edge of business development for lawyers.

He has delivered business development to lawyers all over the UK and internationally to the highest levels, from one-to-one to one to many. He is also key to the continuous development of our programmes.   

Michael knows exactly how you get the most out of a tired and demanding group of partners on a long afternoon.

He has astonishing energy in front of a group, so believes in relaxing as often as is feasible. This includes motorbikes, kit cars, model airplanes, running, canoeing and drinking sauvignon blanc. All done every weekend, with his wife and kids, in a small village in north-west Scotland.


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