Laura Overton is an award winning learning analyst. Dedicated to uncovering and sharing effective practices in learning innovation that deliver business value, she was the original CEO and founder of Towards Maturity and is the author of over 40 reports and hundreds of articles. Her work is based on 30 years of practical experience and a commitment to supporting evidence-based learning decisions.
In the UK, Laura is an Academic Fellow of the CIPD and a fellow of the Learning and Performance Institute. In February 2010, she was the first woman to be awarded the Learning and Performance Institute’s prestigious Colin Corder Award for services to training and was the recipient of the inaugural eLearning age Special Achievement award at the 2012 eLearning awards. In 2018 she was voted the most influential person in corporate eLearning in the globe and the top UK listed person (a position held since 2014).
Get in touch with Laura via LinkedIn.
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