Mike Horne, Ph.D., is seasoned HR executive and coach helping leaders be and do their best. Mike has built a successful career in Human Resources, guiding businesses and teams at Gilead Sciences, Genentech (a member of the Roche Group), Notre Networks, Marriott International, and Willis Towers Watson. As a consultant, Mike’s clients included Darden Restaurants, ExxonMobil, HP, McKesson, and Office Depot. In addition, Mike has served in an advisory or board capacity to the American Foundation for the Blind, the American National Red Cross, the Dave Thomas Foundation, the Organization Development Network, and the Organization Development Review. He is the author of the former Executive Coach column that appeared in American Express publications. He is the author of Integrity by Design: Working and Living Authentically.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage