It’s all about people development for me. From the company I work for and the job I do to the clients I help train and develop. I guess it started in my early days as an engineering apprentice. Improving my skills, lining up the next challenge and learning new things was a real motivation. As I moved into new roles, it was always about seeing people develop and progress.
Now as Learning & Development consultant the focus is on working with client teams. Helping them through the challenges they’re facing and improving their people management, employee engagement and leadership skills.
Today I’m leading the Industry 4.0 training within Festo. From running webinars and training courses, we help business leaders identify how to harness the potential of Industry 4.0 and what they – as leaders – need to do to improve their own skills. We term this Leadership 4.0.
I’m also an active STEM Ambassador, responsible for encouraging student and school children into an engineering career. It’s an immensely rewarding role and I’m looking forward to seeing the results in the years to come.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage