Russ is Group CEO of The Creative Engagement Group. The group comprises of live event specialist WRG; Film, Immersive engagement and digital agency, The Moment; scientific engagement division Axiom; biopharma division Just Communicate; employee experience consultancy Forty1 and digital learning services division Logicearth. It employs over 400 people in Europe and the US.
Having started his career at Coca-Cola, Russ has over twenty-five years’ experience in marketing communications. He held strategy and leadership roles in blue chip agencies including McCann, Butterfield Day, HHCL, Lowe, and JWT. Russ was CEO of Havas Worldwide for six years. Russ was recently awarded ‘Advocate of the Year’ at the Women in Marketing awards. He is a member of The Marketing Group of Great Britain; Fellow of the RSA; EMBA advisor for Oxford Said Business School; Tech London Advocate and former NED of Basketball England. Russ is Chair of Trustees for Creative Mentor Network.
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