With over 21 years experience as a L&D specialist I have worked in pretty much every sector in the UK, at pretty much every level. I carry out TNA/DNA, design, delivery, evaluation and authoring work. I also have experience in the charity sector both in the L&D side and as a fundraiser and fundraising manager.
In the Jurassic I was an officer in the Royal Engineers.
At the dawn of time I worked (briefly) in television advertising. My website is www.coach-and-courses.com With a strong interest in all things "country" (oooh-ahhh, not yeee-ha) I am based in rural southern England. I also express my creative side with my wife creating amazing cakes (if I say so myself) which you can see at www.forheavenscake.co.uk
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage