Symonds Training & Research was founded by Dr Valeria Lo Iacono Symonds in order to provide high-quality and well designed and researched training course materials for corporate and independent trainers and teachers.
Valeria has taught in the University of Bath (England), University of Wales and Seoul National University (Korea), and worked as a researcher with the University of Exeter.
Valeria and her team pay a high-level of attention to making the training programs include activities and interactions that aid the various learning styles we individually have. We care very much about the learner’s experience and helping trainers to provide quality, worthwhile and enjoyable training.
The main focus of the training programs provides is Business management, Soft Skills, Marketing, and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training courses.
The latest courses provided by Symonds Training are:
We welcome individual requests for training programs given that we have a team of qualified researchers and trainers.
Leaders need to stop the self-sacrifice cycle
Middle management’s biggest challenge
Unlocking courage