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Mark’s coaching featured inThe Sunday Times, 27 May 2017, ‘All work, no play’: A new normal for working parents is definitely on the horizon

I coach leaders with children under 11 who want increased productivity in less time in order to free up mental and physical energy so they can play a more active role in their children’s early life.

Contact me if you:
• Want more enjoyable time with your children during their early years
• Are prepared to invest 25 minutes via Skype a week to make this happen
• Want to improve performance at work by cutting out wasteful ‘busyness’
Mark is a leadership coach and a member of Oxford University’s Saїd Business School coaching community. He coaches leaders with younger children who, irrespective of nationality, industry sector or gender, face a challenge: I’m working harder than ever … and this is unlikely to change … meaning I have less and less time to spend with my children … and I see no way out of this. 
Clients over the last year include a top five law firm, a leading global IT company, one of the UK’s largest utility companies and a major telecoms provider. Mark enables leaders to change the way they work by reducing busyness and increasing productivity in order to free up time and energy to play a more active role in their children’s early life.

At Saїd Business School Mark’s coaches on: open programmes: High Performance Leadership, Oxford Advanced Management and Leadership Programme; Executive MBA and full-time MBA as well as number of company programmes.