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back to work training!


What do you think?

What do you think?

6 Responses

  1. rain?


    thanks for your time.

    My question is what do you think of the potential company name impel training ltd? I will be offering ‘back to work’ trainng.




  2. Mark …

    Hi Mark

    There have been some replies to this question (that you asked a few days ago). Just back-track on the posts to read them.

    BTW, there is a function that allows an email to be sent to you when there is a reply.  Its a small box, easily missed, below the main box where you make your comments –  ‘Get updates when someone comments’.




  3. Your potential company name

    Hello Mark,

    If I’m honest the name doesn’t grab me – yes, I realise that is an emotive and personal reaction to the name, so feel free to ignore my gut feeling.

    I was in your position a year ago, and got my company name wrong… and so trade under a different name to my official incorporated company name. Based on my experiences, I wrote this article to help people decide on a company name:

    I’ve also still not got it right, as I am focusing my niche on working with professional advisors – accountants, lawyers, consultants, coaches etc… and The Efficiency Coach (whilst a great name) doesn’t do what it says on the tin properly.

    Pros for Impel Training:

    • It starts near the start of the alphabet
    • It includes the word training (good for SEO on keywords which include training)

    Cons for Impel Training:

    • it’s doesn’t really do what it says on the tin – perhaps a name based around ‘back-to-work training’ may be an improvement?
    • It’s not memorable for me

    Good luck with choosing your name and starting up the business.

    Heather Townsend

  4. What’s in a name?

    Hi Mark,

    Personally I don’t get it.

    That said, what is it you are trying to achieve with this name?

    Do you want something memorable? Or something that says what it does on the tin?


    Julia Emelogu

    Maximum Impact Solutions

  5. Or ‘propel’?

    Propel =  to force to move forward.

    I think the ‘Nays’ have it …..