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Beat the New Year blues…


If, like many others you’re already fed up with the new year and thinking that 2010 is no different to 2009; then things may be about to change for you…

If, like many others you set a New Year resolution to give up something or get fitter and you’ve fallen by the wayside already; don’t despair…

On the one hand you’re not alone as many others set resolutions and fail. Many of us vow to make this year, the year for things to happen. You may have said to a friend or family member; “2010 is a new year and a new start for me” or “after last year, this is the year for me”.

The good news is2010 can still be your year. Don’t write it off just yet.

Remember: Quitters never win and Winners never quit!

Here’s how to get some of that winning mentality embedded into your thinking

Start with a specific goal or dream in mind . If you’re unsure about this, read the earlier blog on Purpose

Once you have your goal clear in your mind, you need a plan! Believe it or not, every goal ever achieved had a plan behind it. Just getting out of bed on the day of a race doesn’t mean you’ll win. You may finish; but those that win, plan to win and train to win.

No good at planning? This simple step by step process will have you planning in no time

With your goal in mind…

Step 1 – Write down all things that you think need to happen in order for you to achieve your goal.

For example if your goal is to get fit:  get down to ‘x’ stone in weight, join a gym, buy some kit, enrol for a class, commit to 2 sessions a week, talk to friends and get support (even persuade them to join), go to yoga, eat healthy food, only drink at weekends… you get the idea.

Step 2 – Start to factor in some dates (milestones) when you will check your progress (and success)

For example: get down to ‘x’ weight by week 4, be able to run 5km by week 6, fit into new jeans by week 8, go to charity ball with friends (feeling great about yourself) in week 10… etc

Step 3 – Take time out to review your progress, check the next part of the plan and congratulate yourself at regular points (milestones)

It’s really important that you do this step, as goals often fizzle out if there’s no review. Don’t worry if the plan changes at any point. Your goal is the target. How you get there will change from time to time. Accept that this is the case and continue to move on towards your goal

Step 4 – Reward & recognise when you have achieved your goal. After all, the hard work has been done!

Treat yourself to a new purchase, a meal out, a massage – whatever makes you feel good. The journey towards your goal may have taken some effort and some support along the way and what better way to recognise that.

There we have it. 4 steps to beating the New Year blues. 4 steps to get you on your way.

Remember; if you don’t have a goal in your life, how do you know what you’re aiming for…

Keep an eye out for next week’s blog on ‘attitude determining your success’



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