A big happy 2015 from southern africa swaziland….
Maybe this is not the correct forum but I have confidence in this forums expertise….
We have started a NGO called (Siphesihle pronounced See- pear- see- hmmmm…. i can't help you with the last bit… no english sounds close to that last bit. It basically means beautiful gift…
Anyway this part of swaziland has high rates of HIV and high unemployment levels, and instead of free hand outs we have started a project to train the ladies on income generating avenues… i.e. sewing beautiful bags, toys etc…. everything is recycled.
We are trying to empower them with the wisdom that they were all born with beautiful diverse gifts.
Another aspect of the Centre is to maintain a database of details of all the womens basic literacy levels. The plan is to interview a wide range of individuals and place them in different compartments… i.e. domestic cleaners… waitresses, office administrator etc..There will not be any high profile positions yet..
But what I need is some sort of personality/ psychometric tests that I can use to reliably identify these beautiful gifts (strengths/downfalls) in these women so i can hopefully train them and place them in large organisations.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Any useful ideas can be forwarded to siphesihlefoundation@gmail.com
A big happy 2015 from southern africa swaziland....
Maybe this is not the correct forum but I have confidence in this forums expertise....
We have started a NGO called (Siphesihle pronounced See- pear- see- hmmmm.... i can't help you with the last bit... no english sounds close to that last bit. It basically means beautiful gift...
Anyway this part of swaziland has high rates of HIV and high unemployment levels, and instead of free hand outs we have started a project to train the ladies on income generating avenues... i.e. sewing beautiful bags, toys etc.... everything is recycled.
We are trying to empower them with the wisdom that they were all born with beautiful diverse gifts.
Another aspect of the Centre is to maintain a database of details of all the womens basic literacy levels. The plan is to interview a wide range of individuals and place them in different compartments... i.e. domestic cleaners... waitresses, office administrator etc..There will not be any high profile positions yet..
But what I need is some sort of personality/ psychometric tests that I can use to reliably identify these beautiful gifts (strengths/downfalls) in these women so i can hopefully train them and place them in large organisations.
Any help would be highly appreciated. Any useful ideas can be forwarded to siphesihlefoundation@gmail.com