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Behavioural Interviewing Techniques


I am looking for some information to enhance some training on interviewing skills - not recruitment, but research and information gathering.

I am particularly interested in behavioural interviewing techniques - to be used for gathering specific, in depth, information.

I would be interested to hear about any materials that are available that others have found useful.

Jackie Clifford

5 Responses

  1. Criteria based interviews
    I have found that use of criteria based interviews is also good for research and information gathering dependent on how much you know of the subject and can write questions accordingly. Obviously it depends on the topic and does not work in every situation, but may be worth considering. Jenny

  2. Behavioural Interviews
    Is it Behavioural Event Interviews that youare looking for? If so I can probably give you some pointers – depends how deep you want/need to go. Do give me a call if you’d like.
    01844 248775

  3. Behavioural Interviewing
    I’m actually a qualitative interviewer and regularly use in depth interviewing skills in my owrk. The organisattion i work for regularly runs courses on research interview skills. I don’t know if it will be any use, but you could look at our website-

  4. Behavioural Interviewing
    We have run courses for senior managers and those regularly involved in recruitment and selection on behavioural interviewing. Contact me if you’d like to know more. (01438-242222)

    You could try CIPD’s book Interview Skills Training. Go to or phone 01752-202301. The MOD’s Defence Management Training has some excellent material and training packages, but all are copyright.


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