The Hot Potato award for most contentious article 2008 goes to "Smashing the glass ceiling," by Verity Gough.Thanks to everyone who voted in this interesting category.
Smashing the glass ceiling
Verity Gough investigated the whether the glass ceiling is becoming nothing more than an outmoded expression.
CTP: Does practice mean perfect?
Competency frameworks: The bubonic plague of training?
Garry Platt dared to suggest that competency frameworks were perhaps not as essential a is commonly believed.
Searching for the Holy Grail: Can you ever be the perfect trainer?
So what is a perfect trainer? I don't think we've decided yet...
Is the grass greener on the other side of the pond?
Is American training training – particularly elearning – bigger, brasher, better? Neil Lasher examined whether the grass greener on the other side of the pond?
Get ready to be rated:
Garry Platt argues that an independent feedback website could be more valuable and telling than many training qualifications, this one got you talking.
The gender debate: Should development be different for women and men?
Always a good subject for firing up healthy debate.
Modern myths of learning: You only remember 10% of what you read
TrainingZone members always love a bit of myth debunking.
The 21st Century learning professional: Training isn't learning
Paul Kearns' plea for an enlightened approach to training set the place on fire.