Hi Readers – I’ve over ten years experience of mentoring practice through volunteering, taught the subject at inner city college for nearly 3 years and am now looking to achieve a qualification in mentoring (which has also included aspects of coaching). I have also mentored a former student through to university to achieve a Masters in Psychotherapy
Which is the best qualification route to take? If you would be happy to share your own experience/insight if you have already achieved qualification that also would be appreciated.
Pete Adams
Pete Adams
Which is the best qualification route to take? If you would be happy to share your own experience/insight if you have already achieved qualification that also would be appreciated.
Pete Adams
Pete Adams
2 Responses
ILM Diploma
I did the ILM Level 7 Diploma in Leadership Mentoring and Executive Coaching through Management Futures and feel it did the job.
Coaching Qualification
I would like to know where i can do a Coaching & Mentoring Certification-classroom or online. I stai in India. Also when any of you give me the institute name, please give the full name. Thanks a ton!