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Bill to Give Carers Training Rights


A bid to give long-term carers greater opportunities to retrain could become law this year.

A Private Members Bill by Dr Hywel Francis, Labour MP for Aberavon, introduced this week, would oblige councils in England and Wales to offer financial support to carers who want to re-train or study.

Dr Francis and his wife, Mair, cared for their son Sam, who had Down's Syndrome, until his death six years ago.

Dr Francis has said his Carers and Lifelong Learning Bill would concentrate not on respite facilities for carers, but help them in their ambition to study or train for a job.

The Bill would place duties on local authorities, and funding bodies like the Learning and Skills Council and ElWa, to provide information, guidance and funding for carers who want training or education opportunities.

Dr Francis is hoping to get Government support for his Bill which is due to receive its Second Reading on 6 February.


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