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Blended Learning Solutions – A more effective form of learning


The training process is one that involves a number of different processes. A continuous learning process needs to be provided to the learners along with some reinforcement techniques to make sure it works out well. These learning solutions need to be designed using a well planned strategy if you want to get results that last really long. ELearning and ILTs are two very important learning techniques which have their own advantages and limitations as well. The biggest part here is to decide which one is better among the two.

Since a very long time practitioners have been debating on the topic to come out with a feasible solution. Different people have different views and claims for each type of learning process. The training requirements in today’s world have become extremely complex with the increasing complexity of business. As such, sticking to a single type of learning format will no longer work out. For maximum eLearning benefits, both the styles need to be combined in the correct manner to get a blended approach of learning. This is where the concept of blended learning comes up from. Different delivery methods are mixed together to create a learning experience which is more comprehensive. This is called blended learning. It is typically used for a mixture of ILTs and eLearning. In short, it is known as the mixture of the face to face instruction method with computer mediated instruction techniques.

Before deciding to implement blended learning, it is necessary to understand how the method works, and what its advantages are. When you use blended learning, it helps you mix all the different kinds of learning strategies, methods, and even the medium of delivery. This helps you ensure that all your objectives of learning are successfully met. A typical example can be that in which product training needs to be given to your employees. You can use a classroom session for this, or a series of different sessions including some self paced modules and hands on demo. You can try doing it with some simulation modules and then an online assessment. You have a variety of options in front of you. Different types of content can be matched to offer you the most effective learning solution for your specific requirement.

ILTs and eLearning, when integrated together, make a very strong learning process. ELearning is well known for all the benefits it can offer on any kind of level. But, it cannot fit perfectly in every situation. You need to add ILTs in it to complement the process. This makes your training process really effective and comprehensive, and also offers maximum results. You need to remember two points:
  • ELearning and ILTs need not be mutually exclusive.
  • Do not view both the processes in different silos.

ELearning solutions can be used as the backbone of your process, as it is cost effective and reaches out globally. You could just add a bit of ILTs here and there to integrate the system seamlessly with the eLearning process.

For a learning technique that is ideal, you need to mix both the learning processes and create a perfect blend.

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