...the Olympics extensively on TrainingZone, as has our sister site HRzone over the last few months. And why not? It's a truly great sporting event and it only comes to this country once in a blue moon. I watched one of those arbitrary clips/countdown shows that BBC3 likes to often populate its schedule with the other night, and it really got me excited. For the sport. The chart was a mix of slapstick, unexpected mishaps and genuine achievement, and the latter reminded me exactly what the games is all about. Despite the best efforts of much of our press to cover virtually every aspect of the build-up to the games bar the actual sport, I still managed to remind myself that there were shots to be put, poles to be vaulted and swimming to be synchronised, and I can't wait for all of it.
That said, when stories like this surface, it's often difficult to focus on the primary aspect of July and August's diary. To maintain impartiality, I refuse to be drawn on the various merits of the public and private sector contracts that were dished out prior to the Olympics, but it is undeniable that this is what your average teenager in 2012 would describe as an #epicfail. An #epictrainingfail, if you will.
And so to the weekend; whilst a lie-in looks unlikely, it's going to be good to be able to spend a bit of time outdoors for once.