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Book review: The Act of Attraction in Business by Tamsen Garrie


How to align your activity for extraordinary business results

I think that one’s appreciation of this book would very much depend upon how long they have been in business, and the amount of experience already acquired, as well as personal lessons learnt.

For someone relatively new to the business world, I’d say this book could add a lot of value.  Well-written and set out in an easy-to-read font and style, the book comprises 172 pages, which are relatively easily ingested.

Throughout the book, Garrie plays on the word ATTRACTION – basing her offering on the words embedded within the word, therefore ATTRACT (internal activity covering vision and mindset – ACTION (external activity covering behaviour and planning) and TRACTION (cumulative effect of ATTRACT AND ACTION).

She  purports that the Act of Attraction is a process, and touches on the universal Law of Attraction that is based on the principle of ‘like attracts like’.  Fans of ‘The Secret’ will no doubt enjoy the analogy.

The author credits a number of impressive sources for endorsing the book, one of them being Tim Johnson, MBA, who states ‘This book clearly and logically demonstrates how to combine practical business stuff with a deeper understanding of how our minds work to create a significant increase in performance.  There’s no fluffy stuff here.  This is practical and usable material written in a detailed, yet highly accessible way. 

This book is a good resource for anyone entering the business world or newly established and looking for tools to apply in the achievement of future business goals.  Also good for business owners who may be looking for some inspiration and new vision to motivate them toward creating a better business.  The worksheets included encourage thought and planning, with the ultimate aim of moving the business owner toward the ACTION required in order to attain the envisaged goals.

I rate this book 7/10 and recommend it to anyone who is looking to create better business results.

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