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Broadband – how good is it?


I have heard that broadband is much faster, but that there can also be breaks in the connection which last for several hours. Any experiences you could share would be welcome.


Cristina Stuart

I have heard that broadband is much faster, but that there can also be breaks in the connection which last for several hours. Any experiences you could share would be welcome.


Cristina Stuart

12 Responses

  1. Breaks in Service
    We have been experiencing problems with the Broadband Service from Pipex.

    We lost it over an entire weekend a couple of weeks ago and in the week, it’s not unheard of to lose it for 30 minutes at a time.

    I have heard of similar issues a while ago with Cableinet from TeleWest. As for BT Broadband, I haven’t heard of any major problems, but I’m sure others may have stories to tell!

  2. Robust service

    I’ve had ADSL through Freeserve for a couple of years now and whilst the customer service isn’t perfect the line reliability is pretty close. I’ve had outages that have lasted a couple of hours, but probably only a half dozen and none in the last six months.

    It seems that when broadband comes to a new area it is a little flaky, but mine is as reliable as my BT phone line now.

    Good luck!

  3. ADSL information site
    try this site for general info: .

    The general consensus is that BT direct sites are slower than other ISPs desite being more direct.

    I know someone who swears by BlueYonder (Telewest). I am about to sign with NTL (another Cable Co). This uses fibre optic nearly to the door, so (local) performance should be better. I’m told the contention ratio is 1:20, normally 1:50 with BT sourced services for similar cost, (You pay more for 1:20).


  4. NTL

    Hi Cristina,

    I have used NTL broadband for the last year or so and the difference is amazing.
    I have never had a break in connection, I believe they were also offering free instalation, though this offer might have expired by now.
    The plus side is, I only pay £14.99 per month all in!

    No complaints from me

  5. Re Broadband
    Hi Cristina

    I have been with BT Openworld now since March of this year and to date, there has only been one outage of several hours. I think it is much better than a dial up connection, you may want to take a look at Internet magazines web site as it may contain some more data for you. Current cost is 27.99 plus activation at £30, if you dont require web space, 29.99 activation £65.


  6. Speed isn’t everything
    The main change to the way you work with broadband is the fact that it’s always on – the speed factor is good, but it doesn’t necessarily change how you work – just makes it faster.
    For example, we have 1 meg cable at home it’s now:
    easy to access all my file in the office, always as quickly as if I was there;
    my mail replicates every five minutes – it’s never out of date;
    getting large files is easier – even very very large ones only take minutes – and you can do other things concurrently;
    we share the internet connection using wireless networking – two for the price of one;
    things like online enquiries, booking, shopping become natural- you don’t have to think about it.

    So for anyone thinking about it, don’t. Get permanenetly connected.
    (My experience btw is that cable is less flaky than BT ADSL – even for business)

    Peter Cox
    TMPL Consultants

  7. So far so good
    i have been with BT bradband for several months now with no problems whatsoever. As with all technological improvements, you don’t notice the speed any more until you have to go back to using a dial up connection.

    One thing I did have problems with – the USB modem BT supplied was useless and kept crashing – when this happens it appears that the connection has gone down but it was actually the modem driver at fault. Since I upgraded to an Ethernet modem/router I have had not a single problem.

  8. Go for it…
    I’ve had ADSL (The BT variety) for well over a year – it’s GREAT!!!!! It’s fast and always on and a flat fee so budgeting is easy. I used to have ISDN and it was costing me several times as much as ADSL.

    However you will need to make sure that you security is tight – a firewall and an anti-virus program (that you keep up to date) are ABSOLUTELY ESSENTIAL.

  9. ADSL connection / firewalls
    Our Zen Internet Connection is rock solid – but it is a business offering at a contention ratio of 20:1 – not the 50:1 of the £25 per month offerings. And you do need a firewall to stop your system being commandeered by a hacker to send off messages in your name – and a hardware-based firewall should be used with a software firewall IMHO

  10. Excellent
    I use ADSL from Pipex.

    It is good value for money and makes using the internet and downloading a pleasure when the rate is 512kbps.

  11. BT

    Broadband by all accounts is very good if you can get it.

    It’s major failing is that BT have so far failed to upgrade a large number of exchanges so dispite all the advertsing being spent trying to get up you use broadband it may not be an option. Broadband at present is maninly available in City and large towns.

    Broadband is being sold by a large number of companies but only BT have control over the exchanges so if they won’t play ball and upgrade your exchange you can forget it for the immediate future.

    See BT website for current coverage:

    Whilst this is BT Broadbands site, if available you do not have to buy it from them. It will give you avaiablity.

  12. Hello, Cristina and everyone!
    Hello, Cristina and everyone! I also had problems with the Broadband Service from Pipex. I can’t get along with it:) Is there any chance to find something better?