I am working with 2 teams from different organisations, who will be working under a single management team, come the new year (this is not a TUPE). They will retain their own organsiations identity but will need to work together as one team and have a shared manager and shared objectives. As part of a welcome day I would like them to create a team mission and values, does anyone have any great ideas about how to run this session, so it is fun, but we get a valuable outcome form it, that all will buy in to?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions
Hi I am working with 2 teams from different organisations, who will be working under a single management team, come the new year (this is not a TUPE). They will retain their own organsiations identity but will need to work together as one team and have a shared manager and shared objectives. As part of a welcome day I would like them to create a team mission and values, does anyone have any great ideas about how to run this session, so it is fun, but we get a valuable outcome form it, that all will buy in to? Thanks in advance for any suggestions Kirsty
4 Responses
Hi Kirsty
if you go to peoplealchemy.co.uk there is a topic on Vision and Mission; within this there are some “how to”activities that might help
Rus http://www.coach-and-courses.com
People Alchemy
Thanks Russ for the suggestion – I’ll take a look
Vision statements
There is a downloadable exercise at our web site http://www.abctrainingsolutions.biz/managementskills2.html (scroll down to ‘Vision statements’). It’s a fun exercise where delegates need to match up 25 vision statements to their companies. Great as an ice breaker.
Hope that helps
Happy Days!
Vision and Values
Having suffered trying to work with companies to come up with a Vision Statement, I wish you well. The best seems to be when you challenge them to come up with ten words or less. Flipcharts, Post-Its, walls, pictures – all good fun and very relevant. It has to be remembered that everyone in the organisation needs to be able to understand it, quote it and believe in it. The simpler the better.
As for values, a useful exercise is to get people to pick on each value and identify positive indicators and negative indicators. That is what they will see, hear of feel happening that is great or bad against that value. You then focus on the key positive indicators and develop them into descriptors as to what living the values means in your organisation. Of course, its a similar process for Behaviours as it’s based on Behavioural Objective Setting but it works well for understanding Values in the day to day job.
Good luck, Alec