I am looking for a quiz or exercise that will help participants understand and recognise behaviour that is bullying and behaviour that is not bullying but is, perhaps, effective performance management.
Thanks in anticipation.
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I am looking for a quiz or exercise that will help participants understand and recognise behaviour that is bullying and behaviour that is not bullying but is, perhaps, effective performance management.
Thanks in anticipation.
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5 Responses
Have you considered Situational Judgement Testing to highlight b
Hi Jenny,
I just read your post; I was wondering… have you considered using online assessments as both a training and management tool?
To elaborate, my organisation provides Situational Judgment Testing. These tests are created by our team of occupational psychologists, who design an assessment specific for your organisation and requirement’s.
This form of online assessment provides candidate with a set of scenarios and possible reactions. Their feedback is placed within our exceptional assessment platform and here you can use our concrete management information as a means of identifying employee’s understandings, behaviour in particular scenarios as well as attitudes/ understanding towards company policy.
Not only do Situational Judgment Tests allow you to identify and remedy those who are not behaving in line with the company’s culture but it allows candidates to engage with eLearning as they (should you wish) are able to see where they are going right and most importantly wrong, allowing them to take action themselves and realign with the companies policies.
Jenny, I would welcome the opportunity to discuss this with you further, is there a time in the next week when you are free for a 15 minute call? If so, please do get in touch
I hope this response has been helpful.
Best wishes
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Bullying and Harassment
Hi Jenny
I usually give the delegates 8 or 9 situations – one or two paragraphs at most and then ask them to assess each situation in groups of 3 or 4 on a sliding scales of 0 to 10. where 10 is bullying and 0 is effective management.
For instance
1. Jane has been late for 3 days in the last two weeks, her boss has spoken to her once already and warned her that her behaviour is not acceptable. Jane was late again today. Her boss called her into the office and handed her a letter inviting her to attend a disciplinery hearing regarding her poor timekeeping.
Bring out that this is proactive performance managagement and within ACAS guidelines – assuming there are no underlying circumstances to be accounted for, such as disability etc.
2. Rav has been in his role as a sales rep for 3 months and is not yet managing to hit all of his targets. He is confident he will hit this month’s target and will be able to do so moving forward.
John, a fellow sales rep is supposed to be mentoring him, but Rav has had no help at all, in fact none of the other reps will speak to him, and pointedly ignore him at meetings. No-one returns his calls. Bring out that agnoring someone – doing nothing – is still a form of bullying.
Deliberately includes some "that depends" scenarios to generate lots of debate and bring out the idea that it is perception that is important.
Then get the group together and manage the discussion.
There are also some good videos you might be able to use on youtube – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8chl1LKbqn0&feature=related
Hope this helps.
Sylva Jolliffe
Learning and Development Consultant
— I have some free resources that will help you -get in touch
QED Training qedworks.com
Thank you
Thanks for your response, Mark. Sadly there is no budget for the service you are offering but I will certainly keep you in mind if any other clients could make use of the testing you suggest.
All the very best
Thank you
Thanks, Sylva and Dominic. Great examples of exactly what I was looking for. And I have emailed you separately, Dominic.
Kindest regards