We are reviewing business mileage rates and would appreciate
knowing what other companies pay or how much other trainers receive per mile.
robin crockett
knowing what other companies pay or how much other trainers receive per mile.
robin crockett
We are reviewing business mileage rates and would appreciate
knowing what other companies pay or how much other trainers receive per mile.
robin crockett
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8 Responses
25p per mile
Hi Robin
I do quite a bit of work for the public and voluntary sector and they pay 25p per mile. Interestingly, for my work as a magistrate I receive around 50p per mile up to a limit of around 5000 miles per year (I never get anywhere near that). 25p per mile is not enough, I feel, particularly when petrol prices were at their highest.
Hope this helps.
Currently I am charging 50p per mile (plus VAT) but am considering increasing it to 55p because of petrol price increases.
I get 33p per mile which seems to cover petrol and some left for tyres etc.
Millage rates
I currently charge 40p per mile but in a previous job a few years ago the rate was 40p for the first 100 miles and then 10p after that. We are thinking about using an updtaed version of this.
Tax implications
My employer pays 40p per mile. This is the maximum that can be paid for the first 10,000 business miles in the tax year without tax becoming deductable:
milage rates.. mind the IR
The recommended milage rates from the IR are 40p per mile and then it reduces as milage increases. If you get/ are offered more than this you are liable for income tax and must declare it!
Petrol consumption
I am amazed at how much petrol everyone’s cars guzzle. I get 450 miles out of a £40 tank of unleaded in my 1.6.
In answer to your question, I get 12p a mile, which covers my petrol costs – just!
True cost of motoring
Helen suggests a rate that just recovers petrol cost.
Unfortunately there are other costs (some variable and some fixed). There are variable costs (including tyres, transmissions (that will have a life based on the mileage driven) etc.) that depend largely on the mileage. And fixed costs (insurance, servicing, depreciation etc.) some of which should be recovered.
Finally, you may wish to consider the cost of the time you spend driving to the client (except that if you do the cost would be many pounds per mile).