Hi there everyone
I'm using the Situational Leadership questionnaire in a workshop soon, and I have all the components except the last part where you plot your scores for the four styles columns (the subtotals after the 16 questions) on a graph (stretching from minus 24 to plus 24). The closer you are to the middle, the more flexible and effective you are as a leader. Can anyone help please with how to calculate your score? I remember multiplying some columns subtotals by six, and others by two...
many thanks for help
One Response
be careful! – and duplicate post
why are you asking this again? https://www.trainingzone.co.uk/anyanswers/calculating-blanchardsitualtional-questionnaire
The SL instrument is copyright and if you don’t have the scoring it sounds like you have an illegal copy – you can buy the full kit from the Blanchard group.
Please do not use it – your company can be fined £10s ‘000s if caught!
As trainers and facilitators if we want to use a product we must be both competent and legal! a good tool will always cost – they cost money to design andf produce so it is only fair that if we want to use these products we buy them.