Does anyone know of any websites that can provide me with assistance in putting together a one hour training module on retention of business?
I am training newer members of staff and am just looking to give them the confidence to ask the relevant questions.
Lucy Sargent
2 Responses
Are you confusing skills and competencies?
Not sure what you are asking here Lucy.
The ability to spot opportunites will aid retention, so will asking the right questions, providing excellent cust service, speed of answer, taking action, follow up and other skills etc etc. However you focus on asking the relevant questions.
In my experiece the best solution is to recruit staff with opportunity spotting/drive for results as a competency, if this is in place all other issues follow.
Perhaps your training objective is too broad?
If you need some help
Hello there Lucy,
I don’t know of any websites that will give you what you’re looking for, but I have a great deal of info on business retention and will happily share it with you if you’d like to get in touch:
All the best,