Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills
Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills
Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills
9 Responses
NVC Non Violent Communication – Marshall Rosenberg
Listening Skills – programme Hi Barbara
I don’t know about a good book, but one of my trainers has written a programme about listening skills which includes lots of useful stuff. Let me know if this is of interest.
Meanwhile, this review of listening skills books may be helpful, though the audience might not be quite right for you
Listening Skills in Facilitation Hi Barbara
I am not sure whether you want the book for your own learning or to help in your training. So forgive me if the answer I give you is very broad!
The book I am going to recommend is not on listening skills as such…instead I offer you Tony Mann’s book “Facilitation, art,science, skill”. The reason I suggest this is that Tony has a really helpful tool called the Feedback Circle which helps encourage individuals to feedback their understanding of what has been said and see how close they can get to the original meaning. It is very simple and intuitive to understand and works well with groups. This is the part of listening which people don’t get right because they respond with an answer or a question to a point that has been made instead of clarifying the meaning and intent of what has been said. In skillful hands this simple tool is one of the best listening tools I have come across.
Be interested in hearing the other suggestions you get!
Books on Listening Skills Hi Barbara
The book Time to Think (listening to ignite the human mind) by Nancy Kline is an excellent read. It looks at the process of creating a thinking environment, of which there are 10 components that include attention and incisive questioning.
Caroline Lewis
Two Books Two books that have been very helpful:
Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, et al
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Faber and Mazlish (doesn’t just apply to children).
Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills Good afternoon Carolyn, thanks for your helpful reply, I will have a look at the information in more detail. I am researching further reading to recommend to delegates who will be attending a ‘Communication Excellence in Business’ course that we are running.
Can anyone recommend a book on listening skills Good afternoon Christine, thanks for your helpful reply, I will have a look at the information in more detail. I am researching further reading to recommend to delegates who will be attending a ‘Communication Excellence in Business’ course that we are running. Kind regards Barbara Malpass
Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills Good afternoon Carolyn, thanks for your helpful reply, I will have a look at the information in more detail. I am researching further reading to recommend to delegates who will be attending a ‘Communication Excellence in Business’ course that we are running. Kind regards Barbara Malpass
Book on listening skills
Hi Barbara
I’ve just seen your post – you might be interested in my book; How to Listen so that People Talk by Mary Hartley, published by Sheldon Press.It has lots of exercises and examples.
9 Responses
Non Violent Communication – Marshall Rosenberg
Listening Skills – programme
Hi Barbara
I don’t know about a good book, but one of my trainers has written a programme about listening skills which includes lots of useful stuff. Let me know if this is of interest.
Meanwhile, this review of listening skills books may be helpful, though the audience might not be quite right for you
Listening Skills in Facilitation
Hi Barbara
I am not sure whether you want the book for your own learning or to help in your training. So forgive me if the answer I give you is very broad!
The book I am going to recommend is not on listening skills as such…instead I offer you Tony Mann’s book “Facilitation, art,science, skill”. The reason I suggest this is that Tony has a really helpful tool called the Feedback Circle which helps encourage individuals to feedback their understanding of what has been said and see how close they can get to the original meaning. It is very simple and intuitive to understand and works well with groups. This is the part of listening which people don’t get right because they respond with an answer or a question to a point that has been made instead of clarifying the meaning and intent of what has been said. In skillful hands this simple tool is one of the best listening tools I have come across.
Be interested in hearing the other suggestions you get!
Books on Listening Skills
Hi Barbara
The book Time to Think (listening to ignite the human mind) by Nancy Kline is an excellent read. It looks at the process of creating a thinking environment, of which there are 10 components that include attention and incisive questioning.
Caroline Lewis
Two Books
Two books that have been very helpful:
Crucial Conversations by Patterson, Grenny, et al
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk by Faber and Mazlish (doesn’t just apply to children).
Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills
Good afternoon Carolyn, thanks for your helpful reply, I will have a look at the information in more detail. I am researching further reading to recommend to delegates who will be attending a ‘Communication Excellence in Business’ course that we are running.
Can anyone recommend a book on listening skills
Good afternoon Christine, thanks for your helpful reply, I will have a look at the information in more detail. I am researching further reading to recommend to delegates who will be attending a ‘Communication Excellence in Business’ course that we are running. Kind regards Barbara Malpass
Can anyone recommend a good book on listening skills
Good afternoon Carolyn, thanks for your helpful reply, I will have a look at the information in more detail. I am researching further reading to recommend to delegates who will be attending a ‘Communication Excellence in Business’ course that we are running. Kind regards Barbara Malpass
Book on listening skills
Hi Barbara
I’ve just seen your post – you might be interested in my book; How to Listen so that People Talk by Mary Hartley, published by Sheldon Press.It has lots of exercises and examples.
Best wishes