I am wondering if it is possible to be accredited to administer MBTI on line. I live in Papua New Guinea and would have to travel overseas in order to attend a workshop, so an online option would be great, if possible. Does anyone know?
Penny Cole
Penny Cole
3 Responses
Not sure what you mean by “administer” but I think the only UK supplier of the MBTI is now OPP. I’d check with them.
MBTI Administration
Hi Penny
I presume you want to get accreditation to give MBTI feedback. The only way to do this is through a face to face class.
It is possible to automate the administration of the scoring of MBTI – though you need to be appropriately accredited by a CPP (the owners of MBTI) registered organisation
I think the nearest registered vendor for you would be Australia
Try http://www.mbti.com/ first to see the accredited bodies
MBTI details
Following on from the previous replies OPP are based in Oxford and can be contacted on (UK) 01865 404500 or http://www.opp.co.uk