Are any companies interested in or have they used Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy to improve staff performance and reduce staff stress levels?
Keith Chopping.
Keith Chopping.
Are any companies interested in or have they used Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy to improve staff performance and reduce staff stress levels?
Keith Chopping.
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4 Responses
A question concerning stress levels and hypnosis
Are you asking from the point of view of a trainer, a company or a hypnotherapist? I am a trainer and a hypnotherapist and can give info concerning the topic but not from the point of view as a company
hypnosis for stress management
I am a stress management consultant and hypnotherapist. I do not use hypnotherapy in my in-house stress management courses as I feel it is better suited for individual rather than group therapy. However, you could use guided visualisation or relaxation techniques.There are loads of good books with scripts available or check the internet. Good luck!
Visualisation works better for groups
I have found that visualisation techniques work better in the stress management programmes that I run, than hypnotherapy. Also, the idea of hypnotherapy to some candidates can be quite stressful as not everyone subscribes to its efficacy.
Stress and its reduction using hypnotherapy
In our training programs group trance is part of the process. In and of itself – unless done superbly well (and I know of only 3 people who could satisfy that criteria) trance is not the answer.
Have you investigated the Sedona Method of Releasing. This teaches over two and a half days the ability to release any negative emotion in the moment. We have taught the method to many people in the UK with lasting, cumulative results.