Can anyone recommend a good agency or recruitment contact specialising in Training vacancies?
I am a CTP qualified, hands-on Training & Development Officer, with several years in designing and delvering training. Unfortunately my position is being made redundant and I am now looking for employment in North West England.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
David Bell
David Bell
I am a CTP qualified, hands-on Training & Development Officer, with several years in designing and delvering training. Unfortunately my position is being made redundant and I am now looking for employment in North West England.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
David Bell
David Bell
3 Responses
Training in the North West
Can’t recommend a specific agency but if you do a search on Jobserve (‘trainer and training’) you get a good return on training jobs and there seem to be a number in the North West.
Simon Champion
RedundancyHelp Ltd
Frazer Jones
I don’t know if they recruit in the North West but Frazer Jones in Leeds are certainly specialists in this area.
Agency Help
I found Hudson in Manchester an excellent agency, couple of name are Simon Day-Hitchen, Georgina Black and Sophie Lovell, a joy to deal with they really narrow the choices down to roles that are really ‘you’.
Good luck with the job hunt