Can anyone recommend resources for IT trainers wishing to use games or other activities to liven up classes?
Nici Aldridge
A2Z Computer Services
All suggestions to Comments below please.
Nici Aldridge
A2Z Computer Services
All suggestions to Comments below please.
2 Responses
Bringing excitement to the classroom
Nici, my company Adacel ( produce training simulators which work particularly well within a classroom environment. These are real world simulations which enable users to reinforce knowledge recently learnt in the classroom, allow instructors to move around smaller groups providing more personal instruction, brings an element of competition within the group and gives the student an insight into the application of the subject matter. For reference, groups of 2 to 3 per simulator provide best results as human dynamics add to the process. I hope this looks of interest. Regards Alastair
Using Games to liven IT Classes
It depends on the age group, but for post 16, in the workplace, introducing network games like Quake/Doom can be used to both explain key principles and as a reward for good sessions. Mail me