Hi there,
I'm currently working on a Demand Planning workshop and would like to have a discussion during the event about the effect a good demand planning process can have on course cancellations, no shows etc.
Are there any bodies that provide cancellation benchmark data? If there are would someone be good enough to send me the link please?
Thanks in advance.
Hi there,
I'm currently working on a Demand Planning workshop and would like to have a discussion during the event about the effect a good demand planning process can have on course cancellations, no shows etc.
Are there any bodies that provide cancellation benchmark data? If there are would someone be good enough to send me the link please?
Thanks in advance.
One Response
I'm not aware of any bodies who provide this type of information. However, I have worked with a number of organisations on issues such as this. I have seen cancellations and no-shows of around 25% where this has not been challenged or managed effectively, which can work out pretty expensive and a substantial waste of the L&D budget.
Demand management can help is some organisations where that sort of control and predictability is suitable. In others it is best to introduce cancellation charges (even if there is no charge for the course at the point of booking, where it is run by internal trainers for example).
Both approaches can result, if you are not careful, in somebody being 'sent' on the course just to fill the space, which is equally counterproductive in its own way.
I think a healthy cancellation rate is around 5%; that is a natural level and takes account of illness etc. Occasional travel disruptions and business crises can throw this out for short periods.
One of the stronger arguments for good demand management is around smoothing out, or at least coping with, peaks and troughs of demand, and in being able to be better at scheduling the right number of each type of course so that more people have access to the learning they need when they need it.
Hope that is helpful. Good luck.