I’m looking for a values exercise to use in a career workshop that will help the participants to identify what they value most in their careers. I would like an exercise that doesn’t just ask participants to choose values from a list but instead engages them in an activity that helps them elicit their values. If anyone has anything like this it would be much appreciated.

4 Responses
What will you be remembered for…..
Hi KingL181
(Lovely name by the way!)
Here is a philosophical one for you…
Ask delegates to write two eulogies that they’d like to have at their own funeral; one from their spouse/partner or offspring and one from a business acquaintance.
That should get them to think about what they personally value and to look at it from the perspective of the other people in their lives who are affected by their career values
I hope this helps
http://www.forheavenscake.co.uk ….for when cake is the only meaningful value
Get the group to develop their own list
Why not ask the group to develop a list of all the things people might value in/about their career and then get them to identify their own top 2 or 3?
Values exercise
I have done a similar exercise to Rus in the past using collages. Put out loads of old magazines, newspapers, marketing literature and ask individuals to create two collages, one representing what they value in their life, one representing what they value in their career. The pictures help many people identify what is important to them and hopefully show a clear link between what is important to them in their life and career.
Feedback from this exercise has been excellent when I have used it, and I love it because it is so flexible.
Values Exercise
What we do in our organisation is we play a bid game with the participants. The list of values is put up on the slide and we ask people to bid for the value which they value the most. There is a limited amount of money with all of them. This helps them to prioritize and bid for the values they value the most. This game also brings in some fun to the activity because when you give away the value to someone, there will be others who would want it etc.
Do contact me if you need more clarity.