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Case Studies for TrainingZONE research


TrainingZONE is continuing with this years programme of research by taking a look at what 'Adding Value' means to training providers and obviously their clients.

The 5 main market sectors we are looking at are E-learning, Training Software, Management Development, IT Training, and Coaching/Mentoring.

If you would be willing to submit a case study, and to answer questions on what adding value means to your organisation and approach please contact myself on 0117 9158652 or email direct to [email protected]
and I will be more than happy to pass across a copy of the guidlines.

The report will be made available via the TrainingZONE library, and review copies to the relevant national, Training and HR Press.

NB: All submissions will need to be recieved by 07/06/02, and confirmation to proceed is needed ASAP.

Richard Sergeant


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