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Case Studies of Leading Edge / Novel Sales Training Programmes


I am conducting research for a client and am trying to find articles and case studies detailing leading edge or novel sales training programmes. I've done a whole lot of rummaging on the web, and this site, but really only seem to be able to read hypothetical examples or individual's views at what works or doesn't.

Could anyone point me to a good source, or tell me about an organisation that they feel does something really special or effective in this space?

Any help appreciated!

David Faik

4 Responses

  1. Have a look through the directories

    Have you searched the Directories for sales trainers?

    Also, not sure what you mean by Leading Edge / Novel training programmes – how do you measure what is Leading Edge or Novel? Try Effective – much more worthwhile. Search for SPIN selling (company is Huthwaite?) or Consultative Selling.

    I’ve used sales trainers before and always looked for people with experience in my market and product / client knowledge.

  2. SPIN worked for me
    Not much else to say really, but I’m in agreement with the previous comment.

    Find something effective not novel or cutting edge just something that’s tried and tested with real, measurable results.

    I’m sure others will tell you that SPIN has been left behind by new and shiny methods but let’s be fair here – SPIN works. It took me from an average salesperson to the number one salesman in a company with over 200 salespeople.

  3. The imperfect banana.
    The trouble with selling is that no-one likes to be sold to, so there’s no ‘right’ way to do it. Selling means achieving the objective of the salesperson. What customers actually want is to achieve their own objective, i.e. a successful purchase. ‘Helping the buyer to buy’ is the best approach I have ever found. To do this the salesperson needs to understand the customer’s needs, learn what is important to the customer and ultimately to truly have the customer’s best interests at heart. People are so used to having salespeople (and adverts, which are also salespeople)’spin’ up their own preferred products, that actually meeting someone who is willing (and able)to be brutally honest about the pro’s and con’s of their own, and their competitors products is a refreshing experience for most potential buyers and as such will often open doors otherwise firmly locked. In a way, it’s a bit of reverse psychology which empowers the buyer and puts them in the driving seat WHERE THEY RIGHTFULLY SHOULD BE!. Buyers tend to relate the product to the person ‘selling’ it. I recently helped a chain of estate agents to increase their conversions by dropping the gloss…lose the fleet of branded Audi’s…lose the Armani suits…lose the glossy brochures…lose the attitude and get their jeans on, roll their sleeves up and don’t be afraid to get their hands dirty showing potential buyers the loft space and the garden shed and the cracked drain that was going need a bit of work. The salespeople weren’t too happy at first, but the results were incredible and they soon came around when the commission came rolling in.
    Ask yourself; which is the best banana? The straight, waxed, bright yellow, tasteless ones in the front of the supermarket, or the small, bent, patchy brown ones in the corner-shop that taste like banana’s used to taste? If it’s repeat business you’re looking for, if it’s delighted customers you’re looking for, if it’s customer advocacy that you’re looking for, then drop the glossy corporate banana myth and pick up the sweet but imperfect banana of truth.
    Please feel free to contact me if you would like any help with this. Cheers, Nick