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Certification and Qualifications


I am currently working as an IT Trainer and my employers have offered to fund study so I am actually qualified for the job I do. I have been looking at TAP and CeLP and also a university course called Certificate in Training Practice.

I was just wondering if anyone else out there had studied for any of these courses or, infact other useful courses, and had any advice on which course to go for.


Carmen Anderton

10 Responses

  1. Certification

    My colleague did the CIPD CTP and found it very thorough, did it a Woodland Grange with Gary Platt. However, as you are IT sector related, are eminently suitable TAP/CeLP and then with the qualification join the Institute of IT Trainers (IITT).

    Hope that is of use.


  2. CIPD
    The CIPD’s Certificate in Training Practice it probably your bet. It’s the most widely recognised qualification around and it goes beyond just delivering training in the classroom. Also, if you move out of IT training into other areas, you will need a qualifation that is recognised elsewhere.

  3. Know who you want to follow
    FYI, the TAP/ CeLP courses are from the Training Foundation, while the Certificate in Training Practice (CTP) is from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD).

    It may be worth looking into each organisation’s goals and objectives to see which one is the better ‘fit’ for your career aspirations. Once this decision is made, your selection of qualification is simple.

    The IITT (Institute of IT Training) provides certification as well, which holds weight with clients looking for IT trainers; however this certification does not require any study on your part, as the other two do.

    Hope this helps, and best wishes for your career.

  4. Re: Certification and Qualifications
    I agree with the other replies; The CiTP (CIPD) is probably your best bet. When I took this course approximately 4 years ago I automatically got IITT certification as well. This is something may want to look into when checking out the course objectives. If they still do this, you have covered all bases with just one course. Good luck!

  5. What Qual.
    The NVQ3 Training Groups award is an excellent generic qualification for anyone involved in the delivery of training.

  6. Training Certification
    You may also want to consider the distant learning certificate, diploma and masters programmes offered by the Centre for Labour Market Studies at the University of Leicester. They provide courses in training or HR management.

  7. Training qualifications
    FWIW, and to throw in an alternative option, towards the end of my army career I undertook study with my local college for the City & Guilds Further & Adult Education Teaching Certificate (FAETC Stage 1 & 2). This gave me a very thorough grounding in the theory and practice of teaching/training and learning. I went on to gain the Cert Ed (Post Compulsory Education & Training) which “raised my game” academically. I couldn’t say if one is better than another, but I know I am very happy with the route I have taken, and at the end of it all, it’s very much about CPD after the initial qualification has been gained.

  8. CeLP experience
    Hi Carmen,

    I can thoroughly recommend CeLP, having successfully achieved my diploma in November last year. I took the developer and manager core modules and not only did I enjoy the courses, I have been able to put into practice what I have learned.

    The assignments are practically based – so best to read through the competency framework for each module to see if they are suited to your needs.

    Good Luck!


  9. There’s also a new qualification in town
    Hi Carmen. I’m IT Learning Manager for DLA LLP (a global law firm) and all of my trainers have TAP.

    CTP and PGCE are wonderful, but I’ve found that they don’t really reflect much upon a trainers’ delivery abilities (academic understanding, yes – which is important too of course).

    TAP’s good for “breaking” trainers who tend to tell, tell, tell: after the 3/5 days the trainer should be pretty comfortable with ask, ask, ask. Which I regard as critical.

    For us though TAP just doesn’t go far enough in terms of classroom delivery skills. Because DLA does want to outsource its train-the-trainer requirements I’ve been helping two other bodies to create alternative training qualifications.

    One of them launched about a month ago – it’s called The Certificate of Results-Orientated Learning Facilitation (ROLF). You’ll find it here:

    You’ll see my name plastered on their advertising materials because (1) I endorse it and helped create it; and (2) because my department won a couple of IITT awards – department of the year and project of the year 2004 – they think that I’m more famous than I am ;0)

    So, in summary: TAP is a cost-effective, quick way to get a recognised qualification for IT trainers; CTP is great for your academic development; and ROLF is for if you want to be (I suggest) a red-hot trainer in the classroom.

    All the best.