I’m a Trustee with a local charity and we are planning some training in chairing formal, structured meetings. I can put a fair bit of this together, but have been asked about a training video on the subject. Any thoughts? It would need to be cheap, preferably hired.
Penelope Johnson
Penelope Johnson
5 Responses
oldies but goodies
have you tried “Meetings, Bloody Meetings”?
it is old but very good, even for the formal style
it is a Video Arts production
The Office
Better entertainment if you can get permission to use extracts from The Office…
Response to Chairing suggestions
Thank you for your thoughts. The focus is on formal Chairing (not something that many people get involved in now)and I expect there’s nothing around on that so I might have to pick bits out of the more general stuff. Meetings Bloody Meetings is still on sale for £1299. Any ideas on hiring sources?
Try a Trade Union
I know the big Trade Unions train shop stewards on holding meetings (I have seen a booklet). Could they have a video? Do County Councillors and School Governors get training? Perhaps County Hall can help.
Other resources
Not a video – but Just About Managing? Effective management for voluntary organisations and community groups Sandy Adirondack
London Voluntary Service Council, 2006 is a great book covering most management issues.