Someone who coaches change programs or has put one in place and seen the benfits. The talk will be to a company mangement team for aroung 20/25 minutes as part of a weekend seminar they are planning. please reply asap with fees etc.
Ken Palmer
Ken Palmer
23 Responses
Change Management
Please email me, I have managed change programmes within tier 1 automotive supply industry.
I have a number of contacts
Email me, or call me 07770 668776 to give me more details about industry, and knowledge level of the management team and I will be able to either put you in touch with the right professional, or deliver an interesting, analogous talk for you myself. Costs are unlikely to be prohibitive (approx. £0 – 500 – dependent upon likelihood of post talk follow on work).
Look forward to speaking to you.
change management presentation
If you are interested in a presentation on change management from a particular perspective – learning organisation – then I might be able to help. Fees usually depend on circumstance, but could expect £500 + expenses.
Please contact me at if you would like a brief biography.
I have extensive experience in various aspects of Change Management in both national & Global organisations. Key areas include: Transition Management, Managing Employee impact and managing personal impact. Fees charged are £350 plus expenses. Please email or call 01273 272785
Change Management Coaching / Training
I specialise in coaching and training of NLP communications skills. This often involves change management both on individual and organisational scales. I would be more than happy to talk and my price would range from 0 to £500 depending on future potential, preperation time and other factors.
If you want to asses the standard of my work I am arranging a number of public seminars and workshops currently, which you are more than welcome to attend.
Please feel free to respond by e-mail or phone.
Look forward to your response.
Tel: 0118 945 15 00
Preparing for Change
Hi Ken,
I have read your posting with interest. I imagine that, given the time constraints and the possible objectives of the full weekend programme, you are looking for a presentation that is insightful and lively, yet real enough to overcome the typical anxieties of a management team.
I have a seminar presentation called ‘Carnivores on Grass’ (details on – portfolio), which highlights the philosophy behind the implementation of change programmes in modern organisations. The language is simple but powerful and could be adapted to the specific requirements of your group. The seminar approaches fear issues around change and suggests ways of approaching change that could be used constructively by all levels of an organisation.
I would charge in the region of £600, although this fee could be waived if the engagement led to further work with the actual project.
I am contactable on 020 7266 1562/07714 850 929 or
Best regards
Sherwyn Singh
Change Management
Have you tried contacting your local TEC / Business Link? The Investors In People Standard is a very powerful change management tool and I am sure that there will be local IIP Advisers who can provide a quality 25 minute presentation for you (probably free of charge). If you were Lincolnshire based I’d do it for you!
Ken … I believe we have met in the past
E_mail me at Happy to provide input from my Change Management workshop & lots of experience of handling change in senior I.T. industry jobs. Fees around £250 plus expenses for a short ‘stand up.’ But have you thought about some activities.. let them ‘feel’ change; I work with some theatre-in-business people who could give some real impact and use (and fun) to the topic – and perhaps the rest of your weekend seminar.
Change management using the EFQM Excellence Model
Have you thought of the EFQM Excellence Model – possibly one of the most powerful and holistic change management tools around?
Contact me on my e-mail ( for further information.
Look no further!
Dear Ken
Look no further!
I am an enthusiastic and competent speaker – some would even say inspirational!
I am passionate about the need for both individuals and organisations to seize the opportunity of change.
As Head of HR I led a change management programme in a blue chip company.
As a consultant I facilitate change management workshops and coach individuals.
My book ’36 steps to the job you want’ (FT Management) is a personal change management programme.
I’m currently working on a new book on ‘Management & Leadership’ for FT and would love to present a synopsis of the chapter on Change Management to your group.
My normal daily rate is £1,275 (+expenses) but as it’s only a 30 min slot this will be reduced (especially if we can video the talk for use by my agent as a showreel).
More about me at my website; ‘DeltaMan the Change Agent’;
Tel 01526 834666
Kind regards
What Industry?
Quite happy to help out but let me know what industry you are in, what changs you want and what I need to do to make what you are doing, at the Conference and generally, a real success.
I agree that Investors is a great way of looking at change – if it is all about getting the most out of people. I do a lot of work in that area, as a ‘People’ Consultant.
I have experience in changing the culture of several construction industry companies up to 750 employee plc, a couple of hotels and a few other in the service industry.
I have been trained by Dale Carnegie for 8 years – which guarantees the quality of the talk!
Money is negotiable but is within the range of most of the quotes here.
Let me know how I can help make it a really worthwhile contribution.
Tony Willson
If you want a real expert on change
I fear it will cost more than £500 a day. I run (currently) large change programmes with a few big companies and I’ve worked with more than 50, including public and more often, blue chips.
I was Joint Managing Director of a medium sized consultancy focused on people aspects of change and ran a short research programme a couple of years ago on the CSFs of change. The results were published in the relevant journals.
I’ve been in consulting for 13 years, following 9 years with BP. If you’d like to talk, send me an e-mail.
Good luck with your project, either way!
A case study demonstrating real business results
Dear Ken
We have undertaken a change programme with the Logistics Department of Merck Eurolab (UK) to move the team from a reactive, transaction-based environment to a proactive, exception-based culture. Our approach is centred around involving every individual to play his/her part in the change programme, to develop a sense of ownership and accountability.
The programme involved restructuring the department of 24 employees, re-engineering the processes, job redesign, and the assessment of development needs and implementation of personal development plans.
We are one of the first consultancies in the UK to have practical experience in applying Emotional Intelligence and the concepts of Intrapreneurship and Servant Leadership in the workplace with real, business-focussed results.
We were invited to speak at this year’s Training Solutions Show to present this case study at the conference on the practical application of Emotional Intelligence, and received coverage on this in Personnel Today.
We would be pleased to talk about our experiences and approach at a workshop and would suggest a fee of £350 plus expenses. Please give me a ring on 01202 315449 should you wish to discuss this further. Email:
Kind regards
Amanda Ewing, Roots to Routes
Service and Cultural Transformational Change Specialists
Dear Ken
LingTurner are service culture change specialists. We are in the business of delivering service excellence.
We undertake transformational change programs at corporate and departmental level, having a wide experience with blue chip businesses.
In just nine months we have shifted customer satisfaction ratings by 12% and staff morale by 22%.
Change management is not an easy journey, but the route we offer really works.
To find out more about us,visit our website on :
We would be delighted to talk with you further.
Kindest Regards
Julie Jefferies
Tel : 01306 631837
Managing Change Effectively
You seem to be inundated with offers!
My approach would be to talk about the individual *psychology* of change – the difference between personality, attitude and behaviour, what can be changed and what should not be – in a practical hands-on fashion with true-life stories (good and bad!).
Having managed change, and ‘been changed’, I can offer a lot of practical insight to help people understand why the automatic reaction may be to resist it!
Depending upon where you are and the natire of your audience, I’d be happy to do this for free as a taster if you felt you might welcome further assistance down stream.
Best wishes
Jeremy Thorn
2 Sidings Court
White Rose Way
Doncaster DN4 5NU
S Yorks
01302 761222
I’m not a guru but could do a good session !
I’m a consultant with hands-on experience of this subject area as well as continued professional development (the academic bits).
I’ve used Investors and other models as the ‘carrier wave’.
I would attempt to relate to their situation and structure as well as the right sort of aspirational / exemplar cases. I think I would also throw in a couple of well known failures which have been academically analysed.
I work from the midlands but can travel. £485 + vat per day would see me right plus expenses to the sunny resort you are running the ‘weekend’ in ! But, Hell, what’s a day ?
John Owens
01509 890302
p.s. I am a Chartered Marketer by profession – but business planning, organisational development and management of change are all part of getting things done !
Competent change management specialist.
I work with the EQFM model as a stepping stone to change management. I have worked with Lucas Areospace industries where we developed their supply chain usint the above model. I have spoken to many companies on this subjcet and delivered many training sessions as well.
Daily fee £500 plus expenses ie o/n accomodation.
Practical Experience and an MSC in Managing Change
I was involved with a major change programme for a Financial Services organisation that moved from loss to profit in 3 years and went on the win the British Quality Foundation Business Excellence Award. Theory and practice of Change Mgt.
Now consultant and trainer.
Fee depends on location due to travel time
Lets use the time to uncover whats needed to make effective chan
I’d like to use the time to beriefly discuss with the management team just what they consider would be the best way to change their culture. Then I would describe examples of other’s progress with the management team’s framework. Fee travel plus £425
Change Management
I use a very simple board game that takes about 10 min. The ‘game’ is impossible to play but as they struggle with it they make up their own rules etc. At the end of the game compare their reaction with going through change without knowing the end result, route etc. The discussion opens their minds to accepting that change needs manageing. Not bad in 20 min?
My fee £550 + expenses etc.
Paul hobbs
The Thinking consultancy
01784 44 04 04
……don’t just survive, thrive.
£500 + Travel.
Change or not to Change ?
Dear Ken
I have managed a ‘change program’ in manufacturing industry and also several primary/senior schools. Have used Investors as one vehicle and also 360 degree review process to manage change as another vehicle. Worked with site management teams were a large proportion where ‘stuck in the mud of reaction management’
Fees by negotiation but similar to large part of replies already recieved.
Look forward to hearing from you
The future isn’t like it used to be and I can help you make the
I am a published author with Lexington House Press in Kentucky, USA. The Americans see me as a British version of the late Norman Vincent Peale, even his wife Ruth has endorsed my work. I am a founding member of the PSA and have been a local president of Toastmasters International. Please visit my web site for more details My fees per day are £1,000 + VAT & expenses.