I am wondering if anyone has any exciting ideas for activities that can be
used during a change management one day training program? I have lots of
written material and have written some case studies but but would appreciate
any thoughts others may have.
Penny Cole
used during a change management one day training program? I have lots of
written material and have written some case studies but but would appreciate
any thoughts others may have.
Penny Cole
3 Responses
Change Management
I have used and found “Who moved my cheese” a very interesting and novel approach to change management. Try looking at http://www.whomovedmycheese.com for more info.
wine & change
As a lateral alternative to “classroom” approaches that many find boring or too theoretical.I have created a wine & change experience – using the analogy of wine with change and perception during time for either the introduction or as the closing anchor. the worst off is tasting some good wine.
for further info, please have a look at the following web page
Change Management activities
Penny – a fun activity could be to split into 3 groups – each group starts creating either a picture or a story or a sculpture. After a given time, you ask the groups to stop doing what they’re doing and rotate so that each group is now taking on someone else’s project that’s only part way completed. You can then rotate the groups again so that eventually everyone has had a go at each activity. The de-brief is where it can be linked to change – how did it feel? what would have helped? etc.