In a previous life I remember coming across a short questionnaire based exercise that allowed people to consider their team in terms of 6 characteristics:
– clear objectives
– good decision making processes
– trust, co-operation, support and dissent
– clear roles and responsibilities
– relationships with other groups
– analsis of team performance
does this ring a bell with anyone? If so, do you know where I might locate a copy of the exercise?
Many thanks in advance,
4 Responses
Suggestion …
Hi Ian, this doesn’t ring any bells with me but I wonder if this something produced by John Whitmore as he’s done tons of work on effective teams. Would that be worth investigating? I had initially thought on the Belbin lines which is incorrect so Whitmore was my next guess. When you do find out please let us know!
Team Foundations
Hi Ian
Not the article you are looking for, but on a similar theme
I think I MAY have what you want!
Ian, drop me an email and I can return the tool I have which MAY be the thing you are after
Hi Ian
A few years ago I developed a model for measuring team effectiveness for one of my clients. It looks at team in four areas, leadership, communication, shared working and stability and performance (Tuckman of course!).
As part of the model I developed a questionnaire that identifies which of the supporting “legs” needs to be concentrated on to improve performance.
If you are interested, drop me an e-mail.
Phil Wheeliker