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Cheapest Way to Motivate


If you asked most people the reason they went to work you wouldn't be surprised to hear that it's probably money. However, if you asked people what motivated them would the same be true? Or would they come up with a whole list of other things around their own personal; achievement; recognition...

As a manager it's always a challenge to think of new and different ways to motivate your team. Especially when the purse strings are well and truly tied shut. However, how often do we use the Ace card that we all have to give people a boost? Praise.

When I speak to managers about this they often all tell me the same thing. "I always thank them at the end of the day!"

To which I reply..."Is this praise? Is it genuine? Or is it habit?"

We all want recognition, not only for a job well done but for progress we've made so's incredibly motivational and costs nothing.

Get out of the habit of saying thanks at the end of the day...and start to look for good things to mention to your teams. You'll be surprised at how many you find and how contagious it is.

Let me know how you've seen praise benefit your organisation.

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